- For On- and Offshore Projects
Strong Partner: Neptun Schiffahrts-Agentur GmbH
Luisenstrasse 5
26382 Wilhelmshaven
Phone: +49 4421-15 10-0 (24 hours)
Fax: +49 4421 -15 10-15
E-Mail: wilhelmshaven@neptunship.de
- For On- and Offshore Projects
- Trading and leasing of container modules of all kind
Strong Partner: Jade-Weser Logistik GmbH
Emsstraße 20
26382 Wilhelmshaven
Phone: +49 44 21 -500 49 40
Fax: +49 44 21 -500 49 49
E-Mail: info@jwlogistik.de
- On- und offshore projects
- Ship clearance
- Organisation Crew-Transfer
- Spare parts logistics incl. warehousing
- in cooperation with Rhenus Offshore Logistics entire offshore supply and
disposal logistics
Strong Partner: Rhenus Midgard Wilhelmshaven GmbH& Co. KG
Lüneburger Straße 6
26384 Wilhelmshaven
Phone: +49 4421 -936-100
Fax: +49 4421 -936-104
E-Mail: info@de.rhenus.com
- Measuring services
- Certification of wind energy installations and components (DEWI-OCC)
- Energy analysis and studies
- Due Diligence
Strong Partner: DEWI Group (DEWI GmbH und DEWI-OCC)
copyright: Wilhelmshavener Hafenwirtschafts-Vereinigung e.V. // TYPO3: SOL.Service Online
All Information from one hand:
Luisenstraße 5
26386 Wilhelmshaven
Tel.: +49 4421 44700
Fax: +49 4421 42462