- restoration and preventive protection
Strong Partner: Nietiedt
Zum Ölhafen 6
26384 Wilhelmshaven
Phone: +49 4421 -30 04-00
Fax: +49 4421 -30 04-01 00
E-Mail: info@nietiedt.com
- Facility, special size: 20x5x5 m which allows to irradiate and coat large components
Strong Partner: Nietiedt
Zum Ölhafen 6
26384 Wilhelmshaven
Phone: +49 4421 -30 04-00
Fax: +49 4421 -30 04-01 00
E-Mail: info@nietiedt.com
- Project planning, installation and remote monitoring of maintenance
- Construction of Measuring points and measuring positions
- Positioning of horizontal and deep well anodes (10-9 m)
- Special measuring procedures to assess underground facilities
- Potential measurements, long-term measurements
Strong Partner: Bohlen & Doyen Bauunternehmung GmbH
Hauptstraße 248
26639 Wiesmoor
Phone: +49 4944 301 -0
Fax: +49 4944 301 -130
E-Mail: info@bohlen-doyen.com
copyright: Wilhelmshavener Hafenwirtschafts-Vereinigung e.V. // TYPO3: SOL.Service Online
All Information from one hand:
Luisenstraße 5
26386 Wilhelmshaven
Tel.: +49 4421 44700
Fax: +49 4421 42462